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"... i don't understand the world... i wont understand the world... i don't belive that someone in sometime... said what? sorry i don't understand... rakish"

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Games - Newcomers in the world of "Game Development"

Seems that for awhile i haven't post anything related with game stuff, so here i am!

The topic is: Game Development.

The focus is: Newcomers.

So you have decided that you want make your own game, want make sure that what you want will give you some reward, stop , stop , stop, the first thing that you cannot do is think in the money!

First you might take a look into that "reality" before start dreaming about fantasy.

Well, make a MOD for some game that you like to play.

Q:Make a MOD, Whats this?

Q:What you mean?
A:Change your favorite game, i mean improve it like you wish.

The reasons are:

1.With a MOD you will know things about work in a group with one clean objective, and the first impressions in most times you will be surprised on how things that are simple can be hard!

2.After you get some experiences working with people with "same interests" you might start your project with a serious dedication, at first time, yea appears to be a hard goal, but that is your first attempt, so relax and try again.

3.The tools, most of the games today provide some tool kits, like Microsoft SDK, it make things simple because the API of the SDK of the games work on top of the Engines.

Another question

Q:But what can i do with a MOD, MOD is just a MOD no?

A:Did you forget the famous CS (Counter Strike)?

This thing so far got more success than Halflife, and this is just a MOD.On my opinion i believe that TS(The Specialists) was the best MOD shooter for Halflife because the great conversion and new brand effects and dynamic that in Counter Strike you don't have so far.

Long time i have seen too many amateurs that make MOD's in a variety of areas making their things better than professionals, mainly in the games.

Q:Why it?

A:Because the industry of the games(no only games) is always cloning things that others do, and amateurs don't care about it, they are in most times original.

More one great thing, don't start making an MMORPG thats what i see in every forum, make something without networking stuff, but after you make it, read a lot about security on server side applications because at these days some bad infrastructure can break your business.

Has passed some years that i have found some "crackers" working for some "underground" services...

So, start as soon as possible dealing with a clean and safe structures.The internet is growing, the information together, and they go to the both sides...

"Googleing" you may find this site in the first "shot"


maybe later i put more letters in this post...

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